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More than 180 years ago, a group of Christ-followers came to Michigan with a calling to build and equip the church.  And today, the work they began continues in new and exciting ways.


The American Baptist Churches of Michigan have a rich heritage and history. The following documents highlight some of the fascinating history and journey of the ABC-MI through the decades.




American Baptists are part of the story! by William Bauer and Edward Thawnghmung. 


1836-1936 by George H. Waid, Recording Secretary.  Published for The Michigan Baptist Convention by the Hallenbeck Printing Company Lansing, Michigan 1936.  A fascinating history of the first 100 years of the Michigan Baptist Convention.  Over 200 pages digitized and found here in its entirety.  


by Coe Hayne.  Published for the Centennial Committee of the Michigan Baptist State Convention 1836-1936 by Judson Press 1936.  A detailed and thought-provoking accounting of Baptist movers and shakers in the early days of Michigan.


ONE HUNDREDTH ANNIVERSARY of the Organization of the Michigan Baptist Association, now the Detroit Baptist Association held with the First Baptist Church, Detroit October 6, 7, and 8, 1926.  Published by THE CENTENARY COMMITTEE 810 Ford Bldg., Detroit.  


by Mary Elizabeth Day Trowbridge.  Published in 1909, this is a 338 page digitized library book found here in its entirety. With illustrations, statistical information, diary excerpts and more, it provides fascinating insight of Baptists in the early years of Michigan.


of Ohio, Indiana, Michigan, Illinois and Wisconsin 1885-1942 Compiled by Joseph W. Priest, Secretary of the Society from 1909-1930 and 1934-1942. An interesting 20 page book about the history and ministry of the Aid Society and the Fenton Ministers Home. 


Excerpt from History of Genesee County, Michigan published in 1879 that references the Fenton Seminary of the previous book.

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4578 Hagadorn Rd,

East Lansing, MI 48823

American Baptist Churches of Michigan 2021 ©

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